We were guests on the Sass and Sage Podcast!

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Our principal, Mike Richwalsky, was recently a guest on the Sass & Sage podcast. In this episode, he talked about the importance of web hosting. With upcoming changes to how Google ranks pages, making sure your site is as fast as possible is more important than ever. This is going to be a key metric Google measures when doing its rankings.

The Sass & Sage Podcast is a marketing podcast hosted by Dylan Zsigray of Spark Creative and Lynne Wilson of Ginger Digital Marketing. The describe their show:

If 2020 showed us anything, it highlighted the sheer importance of maintaining a digital presence. Most businesses know that they need to market themselves online, but the sheer number of channels and tactics at their disposal can be very overwhelming. Join Dylan Zsigray and Lynne Wilson, digital marketers, and close friends, with their new podcast, Sass & Sage. In bite-size episodes, you’ll gain the knowledge and confidence to use numerous digital marketing channels to grow your business, coupled with sass-filled conversations and sarcastic remarks!

The episode is available anywhere you listen to podcasts, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and many more.

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mike richwalsky

Mike Richwalsky


Mike is principal at Gas Mark 8, Ltd., a creative marketing agency in Cleveland, Ohio and Manchester, England. We do good work for non-profits, higher ed, and small businesses in the US and UK. An accomplished speaker, he focuses on the technical side of marketing and web development, with a focus on digital marketing, video, cloud, and social media.
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