Your Website is for Your Audience, Not for You!

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Your Website is for your audience!

The first thing you should know about your website is this:  it’s not for you it’s for your customers and prospects! Your goal is to create a great customer experience by ensuring that there aren’t any barriers to getting the information they are searching for.

This starts with having an easy-to-navigate site with clear calls-to-action, so visitors don’t leave without completing what they intended to accomplish. Your website should approach an idea, solve a problem, or relieve a pain point making a connection with your audience and persuading them to take action.

Too often, business owners create websites that they want to use. But websites are marketing tools, they’re meant to intrigue, attract, and guide your audience using creativity and persuasion. Read on for some tips on how to create an engaging website for your audience. 

Determine The Purpose of Your Website

The following are three questions that you should ask yourself when creating or revamping your website: What do I offer as a product or service? Who is my ideal customer? How is this beneficial to my ideal customer? Based on your answers, that will help you determine the overall tone of the website. Is it going to be interactive, informative, or entertaining? The goal may be slightly different depending on the type of industry.  

Define Target Audience

Once you have determined the purpose of your website, begin to ask yourself these questions to identify your target audience. Who is going to buy my product? What characteristics does my ideal customer have? – such as age, location, level of education, and interests. Once you have answered these questions, it will be easier to design the site and choose appropriate content.

Keep the Design Simple

Create a website that is easy to navigate and understand, the more intuitive the interface, the better! When designing a site map for your content, you should be extremely detailed, so users know where they are going when they first arrive on your homepage. Make sure you have clear call-to-action buttons or links directing them towards what you want them to see next – whether it’s another article of interest or contact information. 

Include Clear Calls-to-Action

The call-to-action is the quickest way for your audience and you as a business owner or provider of goods and services to engage with one another. The CTA (call-to-action) should be obvious, and your audience should understand what you expect of them. Visitors shouldn’t have to go scrolling for a way to engage. Make it easy on your audience and include your CTA frequently on your website.

A solid web design strategy is essential for any successful website. By now, you should clearly understand why your website is not for you – if anything, it is for visitors who want to engage with your business online. It means showing them why using your products or services will benefit their lives by focusing on features like convenience, reliability, and security. If you are still unsure about getting started on your website, consult a reputable website developer such as Gas Mark 8.

Remember, your website doesn’t have to be over the top, but clearly communicate your offerings, and remember, the simpler, the better!

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